Point Break Sequel – Is that funny Whoa! or Uh-oh Whoa!

Every now and again I badger people about movies I would like to see. One movie I feel is overdue is a sequel to Point Break. It was a seminal movie of its day and even if the dialogue was a bit corny (“If you want the ultimate you have to be willing to pay the ultimate price.”) Who can forget the parachute jump at the end, even though done once before in James Bond – Moonraker, it works better as a climax scene.

It turns out in May of this year I missed the announcement that there is going to be a Point Break sequel. It turns out that Bodhi survived that massive wave and will be found hanging out some where in South East Asia catching some “Radical” waves. Patrick Swayze is attached and it is unlikely that Keaunu Reeves will returns, blah, blah, blah.

ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!! That’s terrible, that’s Highlander 2 bad. That is not the movie you want to make Peter Iliff! This sequel can be Aliens good if you have some imagination. Screw Bodhi, he has contributed enough to the story, let that little white dot of foam on the face of a monster wave be his final call (sorry Patrick I know you don’t want to be be remembered for playing pedophile). The sequel of interest is with Johnny Utah. It’s 20 years later and the clean cut , “Freeze FBI!”, young dumb and full of cum G-Man wannabe is long gone, along with the badge on Bells Beach. He has traveled the path and we find him as the new Bodhi mentor character. Utah has reached a state of zen oneness after traveling the world and realised dancing for the man ain’t where it’s at. This is the perfect jumping off point and Keanu Reeves, if he is still in Matrix shape, could probably pull it off.

In my opinion once you have this setup the rest of the movie writes itself. Is Utah holding up banks? sure why not. Who the FBI green horn this time? Pappas son who Utah helped raise after his dad bought it in the first movie is torn once he finds out who he has to bring down.

Bohdi: Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true.

For this and more classic Point break quotes check out this link.